Each year, more and more studies show the benefits of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs in helping manage symptoms for patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Studies have shown that acupuncture has the ability to block pain signals, reduce inflammation, release healing chemicals in the brain, send messages through the nervous system, and increase blood circulation.
Dr. Vang has a passion for supporting patients diagnosed with cancer in their healing journey. He is a certified Oncology Acupuncturist who utilizes a significant amount of Chinese manual therapy and Chinese herbs to support patients with their lymphatic system, immune system and symptoms associated with conventional cancer treatments.
Acupuncture has been shown to help patients with symptoms of:
Anxiety / stress management
Dry mouth
Difficulty sleeping
Nausea and vomiting
Neuropathy (numbness, tingling, or pain)
Pain related to cancer or treatment
Hot flashes
Joint pain
Low blood count (red & white bloods cells)
Pain after cancer treatment or surgery
Oncology Acupuncturists are licensed Acupuncturists who receive specialized training in Oncology care. They are trained to build safe, effective treatment plans, diagnose early signs of cancer and improve patients’ quality of life. In addition, they learn Acupuncture points and protocols to reduce the side effects of conventional cancer care. Finally, they are trained to communicate effectively with patients and medical staff.
The risks of acupuncture are low when it is done by a licensed, experienced acupuncturist. The needles used in each treatment are sterile and single-use. In general, most patients who get acupuncture do not have problems during their treatment.
Common side effects may include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising where the needles were put in. Dr. Vang will go over your medical history and labs before each treatment to decide if acupuncture is right for you.
Dr. Vang will ask if you have:
Low white blood cell count
Low platelet count
Pacemakers or other implanted devices
Lymphedema (buildup of fluid under your skin)
If you are pregnant
$200 for the initial intake and treatment - 1.5 hours
$110 for follow-up Acupuncture visits - 1 hour
$400 for the initial Comprehensive visit (includes Naturopathic intake and Acupuncture) - 2 hours
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